God is the eternally existent, unchanging Creator and Sustainer of all that we see and know, and reveals Himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, One God in Three Persons (
Genesis 1:1;
Deuteronomy 6:4;
Matthew 28:19;
James 1:17).
God has shown men His Grace and Mercy by becoming fully man, yet fully God in the Person of Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ, who fulfilled the Law by living a perfect life here on earth, died to pay the price for our sins, and rose again to purchase a place for us in Heaven
We receive the free gift of salvation by repenting of our sin, putting our full Faith and Trust in Him alone for our salvation, by accepting Him as Lord and Savior and giving up on any work of our own for salvation
The Lord Jesus Himself will come again, at any time (
Titus 2:13), to take the living believers to heaven, and resurrect all of the believing dead to Eternal Life (1 Thessalonians 4:14-17). The unbelieving will go into the everlasting torment created for satan (
Revelation 19:11-16; 21:11-15)
As a result of becoming children of God, we are to walk in His ways, being doers of The Word, being known by our love one for another, and being disciple-makers and Gospel-proclaimers until He comes (2 John 6;
James 1:22;
John 13:35; Mt. 28:18-20;
2 Tim. 4:2,5;
Ephesians 2:10).